GB Whatsapp 5.15 free download

If you have an Android might have installed Whats app on your Android device.As being the popular messaging application, everyone might have installed Whats app on his device.Gb Whatsapp plus apk is ReMod of Orignal gb whatsapp apk. In This Mod More new Feature Added By these peoples.

Credits :

  1. AbracabraModz
  2. StyleModz
  3. Jorge Teniza

Changes :-
  1. New icons Emojis & Camera bubble input
  2. Icons changed for screen camera
  3. More icons Add for MOD
  4. Icons of player music Re- Design
  5. More details Add in theme (Green Teal)
  6. More enhancements added to Green Teal theme :) Enjoy
  7. Wall changed conversation screen "Mickye Mouse Dope"
  8. Many icons added to this Mod and edited colors
  9. New's icon Profile Avatar and Avatar Group (Style Vector)
  10. New's sounds Conversation Screen (All & beautiful sounds)
  11. New icon chats and groups mutated return (Style MD)
  12. Change icons on the screen attachments conversation (MD Style)
  13. Plus Emojis back the refore have the substituted Flags (Emojis Plus Only the Mod We'll see whether this or another that had integrated)
  14. Integrated very and new icons for Mod
  15. New icons in Screen Calls.
  16. New icon of missed calls in WhatsApp (Style MD) (Thanks to Jorge Teniza for support on the icon)
  17. New default colorSupport in Spanish [Changelog] (By Kreatxre)
  18. Style swich changed to activate the Mod's (By Kreatxre)
  19. It is now more fluid, less Lag.(Special thanks in cleaning Abracadabra Modz code)
  20. And many other icons changed in all screens Special thanks for support in modifying and creating icons for this Mod to AbracabraModz, StyleModz & Kreatxre
  21. Change screen icon shipping in conversation
  22. Change Screen Icons call (incoming, missed and outgoing)
  23. Support for icons DPI: (HDPI, XHDPI, XXHDPI & XXXHDPI)
  24. Changed default launcher icon (New Style By Kreatxre material design)
  25. Notification icons changed style design Material (New fillings icons and various colors)
  26. Some icons changed in the conversation screen
  27. Advertising removed

Download Links : 2Package Of RE Mod GB Whatsapp pLus apk

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